This past Thursday was Tara's 2nd birthday. This was our regular weekend for her to visit with us. Tabitha and Michael had a birthday party for her Friday evening. It was held in a park not too far from their home.

When we got to the park, Tara wasn't there yet but arrived soon after. She wanted to play on the playground, so I walked with her to the playground and took pictures of her while she played. She played on the slide a lot and then had fun being pushed in the swing by Aunt Jennifer.
(Some of Tabitha's family and friends were there and they are SO annoying to be around. Lots of cursing, smoking, etc., and Tabitha's mother seems like she's always strung out on pills or alcohol.)
When the food was ready, Tabitha brought Tara back to the pavilion to eat, with the plan being to eat, open presents, and then have the cake. While plates were being fixed for the kids, Tara somehow climbed up on a bench at one of the picnic tables. We don't know exactly how it happened but Tara managed to fall off the bench and go face first onto the concrete floor.
I was the first one to get to her and pick her up. She bumped her forehead hard and hit her nose and lip. Her lip got cut a little bit from one of her teeth and her nose got scratched up. The party broke up shortly after that and we went back to their apartment. She finally calmed down and was interested in her presents and cake (Elmo cake this year as he is currently her favorite character). You can see the size of the bump on her forehead in the picture below.
She finally was doing well enough that they decided it was okay for her to go home with us. We kept her awake for a while to make sure she was really okay. Today her nose, lip and forehead are looking a lot better, and she's acting like her normal self - cute and funny. It's hard to believe she's two years old already.
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