Well, it's getting closer and closer...
Jennifer has been having a good bit of trouble with swelling in her ankles and feet, and some days her hands and fingers are swelling also. She's been having trouble with carpal tunnel-type symptoms in her right hand and wrist, which the doctor said was due to the increased blood volume.
Yesterday, I looked at Jennifer and thought that she looked like the baby had dropped some. This evening, she told me that her SIL-to-be and a server at a restaurant earlier today told her she looked like she had dropped some. When I was pregnant with Jennifer, she dropped only a day or two before she was born. Also, she has been feeling more and more pressure very low. One more thing, when she does a lot of walking, she starts having very regular contractions.
So I'm wondering if this baby is going to wait until AJ gets home to be born. As I told Jennifer, the bright side to that would be that AJ would get to spend his whole leave time with the baby and her, instead of waiting for the doctor to induce Jennifer.
14 years ago
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