Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Update on garbage

For now, we get to keep our current sanitation company. Yea!

The plan is going to be reconsidered and revamped over the course of the next year.

Friday, December 19, 2008


I would really welcome responses to this question:

What causes an individual to develop an attitude of entitlement?

My first thoughts on this are centering on self-pity and envy. But I'm sure there are more factors involved.

Garbage (in more than one sense of the word)

For the past 12 years that we have lived in Gwinnett County, we have had the choice of several different sanitation companies to use for picking up our trash.

About a year ago, I learned of a plan by the County Board of Commissioners to divide the county into eight zones and award the trash service for those zones to competitive bidders. Initially, the plan was to award no more than three zones to any one bidder. Also important to note, this plan was conceived and put into place by the Board of Commissioners and was never voted on by the citizens of the county AND the plan is for a private, non-governmental agency (non-profit corporation) to run the whole thing. Something I forgot to put in earlier - normally, there is a $150,000 performance bond required for a business to operate and respond to these bids. However, on these contracts, the County upped the requirement to $2M, which effectively prevents smaller businesses from bidding on the contracts because they cannot afford a $2M performance bond.

About a month ago, we received a letter from our new sanitation company, informing us about the terms of the new service. A week or so ago, we received our first bill for the service, which is a few dollars higher than we are currently paying. We will have to pay for the service out of pocket for the first six months, then it will be added into our property tax bill.

Sometime during the process of putting this plan into place, they changed it by reducing the number of zones from 8 to 6. Then when contracts were awarded, only two sanitation companies received contracts, and both of these companies are out of Florida.

In the meantime, two of the sanitation companies that are effectively being run out of business by this plan have challenged the whole thing in court, seeking an injunction to stop the new plan. I just learned this morning that the challenge has been successful and the judge did decide to put an injunction in place against this plan.

I am in favor of the injunction because I am opposed to not having a choice in this matter and I am also concerned that this plan was put in place without being voted on by the citizens of the County. On the other hand, I'm wondering what happens in two weeks - who is going to be picking up our trash? Anyone? Are we even going to still have a trash can (currently provided by the sanitation company) or will that be picked up and we'll be left with nothing?

Trash pickup is something I've always kind of taken for granted and just always assumed would be there. Never gave it much thought. Now the thought of trash possibly piling up and having nowhere for it go is kind of daunting.

Another good reason to move somewhere else!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Some things end...

I just learned this morning that my boss has resigned and is leaving at the end of the month. I will miss her because she has been inspiring and encouraging to me in learning new skills and developing skills further.

At the same time, I am jealous because she is leaving and I am not. I've been looking for other opportunities and will continue looking. And I'm not looking forward to what it will be like there without her. The three Ms are a real pain to deal with, and it will only get worse without her there.

And today was my 8th anniversary with the company.

Not blogging enough

My darling daughter says I don't do enough blogging. Perhaps if she knew what actually goes on in my head, she would be thankful that I choose not to share it all.

Frankly, I have a LOT of negative thoughts that I work really hard on controlling. And a fair amount of anger and frustration. So now tell me, should I blog more, or just keep it to myself?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Feeling frustrated

I'm feeling rather frustrated right now. I think that after Christmas there will have be to some changes taking place in my household. I know I'm "bitching and moaning" but sometimes it's just necessary to vent. So once the holiday is done, I will be moving into assertive mode and straightening out some things. No more "Hotel Moon."