I didn't really post while Nathan was home. It seems like the time just went by so fast. He left this past Wednesday (the 22nd) to go back to Afghanistan. That was a difficult day but I got through it. Tabitha got an e-mail from him, and it seems he thinks his sergeant is going to chew him out when he gets back to his FOB. Apparently his sergeant was under the mistaken impression that Nathan was supposed to leave the States on the 19th instead of the 22nd to go back. And it seems that they thought for a few days that he had gone AWOL. He shouldn't get into trouble because it was on his paperwork that he was to leave to go back on the 22nd but that won't stop his sergeant from giving him a hard time about it.
Kellyn did something interesting one day this week. Jennifer had put her in her bumbo seat on the living room floor. She was doing something in the kitchen (right next to the living room) and when she turned to check on Kellyn, Kellyn was in the floor on her tummy, just looking around. She's not sure how she managed to get out of her seat and onto the floor. She wasn't fussing so she didn't get hurt in the process.
Tara likes to occasionally accompany me to the bathroom, and when she does, she always stands on the scales and proudly announces "20 pounds!" She actually weighs about 27 pounds but it's a lot easier to say "20 pounds" than "27 pounds." She is so funny sometimes!
14 years ago