We actually made it from Atlanta, Georgia to Beaumont, Texas in one trip. I wasn't sure at first that that would actually happen but it went rather smoothly. But it sure takes a LONG time to get through Louisiana.
On Friday, we got up mid-morning and got cleaned up and dressed and met my family for lunch at Alisa's family's home. That was fun with lots of people meeting who had never met before. Especially seeing my mom meet her newest great-granddaughter (thanks to Janet for the picture).

I thought Tara did really well being around so many new people. She seemed to enjoy getting down on the floor and crawling around with Grace and then playing (banging) on the piano.
I didn't take many pictures at the wedding - I guess because I knew Garrick was taking pictures. I'm really looking forward to seeing those pictures (HINT, HINT). I did get a nice one of Stephanie holding Grace and Jennifer with Kellyn. I have other shots where you can actually see Stephanie's face (such a nice face, to quote from one of Tara's Elmo videos!) but in this one Grace was actually looking at Kellyn and seemed to be interested in her.